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Pulping equipment

Sieve pressure sieve without clogging

Date:2017-11-24 Author: Click:

1, high pressure screen screening efficiency: As the slurry into the sieve with high pressure along the tangential line, by the centrifugal force, the slurry before entering the sieve drum, the fiber and the coarse impurities have been separated. Qualified fibers rely on the pressure difference out of the pulp quickly through the sieve drum.

2, drum long life: As the pulp into the pressure screen, the heavy impurities in the pulp by the centrifugal effect has been separated, it reduces the impurities on the rotor and drum impact and wear. Extend the drum life.

3, the sieve is not blocked: uniform top-down screening of pulp, no thickening phenomenon, the impurities away from the sieve drum sieve drum is not easy to plug.

4, low pulse sieve can be replaced: This machine low plasma pulse intensity, direct access to the Internet without disturbance.

5, a good quality pulp, stainless steel sieve drum selection of Seiko, smaller screen slit, so that the removal of harmful impurities in the pulp significantly increased.

6, less maintenance costs: The spindle adopts advanced mechanical seal system, not easy to damage.




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